Parking management system
Parking management system adopts the mature data platform, suitable for MicrosoftWin98/Winme/Win2000/WinXP/SQL Server2000 database operating system, real-time monitoring to the entrance ofthe gate of the vehicle, the state, the machine have no card and other information. The system uses three layerstructure, each layer component alone can update, replacement, so that you can more effectively reduce cost,simplify management; at the same time, the data can be transferred to deal with the application server and the database server from the client, meet the application needs of a large and complex; and the ability to replicate withaccess to a wide range of database; can effectively improve the system concurrency processing capacity and system security.
Parking lot management software interface humanization design, the Chinese interface, only the simple computer operation without professional training can be used. Parking system has powerful data processing function,can be a variety of parking management control parameters such as IC card, IC card delay detection, image recognition and other settings, the vehicle can query and print fees statistical statements, and be able to manage the parking data.
To realize the function
1, fault self checking function (can automatically detect the gate, sense, a reader, display, motherboard and otherwork is normal)
2, management personnel in the management center at any time to the parking lot parking situation at any moment;admission records and view the related image;
3, query by query plan user-defined (universal query), user-defined query plan can save, edit;
4, when the system is full time to the main control board sends card is not read commands, at the same time the card on the card outlet button failure.
5, the software can control the opening and closing, parking brake, and real-time detection gate open shut downstate, as well as the reader card is full, no card, card, reader error less.
6, various types of card allows to read card, Whether there is no sense of the card, the gate is closed in place card,card gate delay opening time adjustable, fixed charges after the timeout time adjustable, the card machine cardautomatic timeout is not swallow card time is adjustable, the card machine card over the card the amount of cardvolume adjustable is through the computer to handle the full set in after
7, with full of tips and no card reading function. If the parking lot parking is full, full display the parking of vehicles. At the same time a key card reader is prohibited, but the effective computer card.
8, the user can realize remote extension card, motherboard jumper selectable card use
1, the conventional mode). 2), remote mode. 3), delayed at the entrance
9, select jumper is closed in place card, card reader, the method can realize a car a card, to avoid losing card.
10, increase illegal, illegal to open the gate card recording function.