I need what kind of reader?
The reader and tag, so through the study of supply decided to use the type and quantity of. For example,requirements management and warehouse inventory, the reader can be installed on the wharf cargo import and thedoors. If the request is management to specific customer products, the reader should not installed in the door, alsoshould be installed on the truck. If the request is to control the retail shelves, fixed or handheld device can be adopted, thus convenient automatic outbound records and counting.

What is the reader conflict?
A problem encountered is the RF reader collision, is to receive receives a reader information and another readerinformation conflict, overlapping. A method to solve this problem is to use TDMA technology, is simply the reader is directed at different time of the received signal, rather than at the same time, this will ensure that the reader will notinterfere with each other. But in the same region of the items will be read two times, so it is necessary to establish the corresponding system to avoid this situation.

LF, HF, UHF respectively represents what?
And as we listen to the radio truth, RFID tags and readers are modulated into the same frequency to work. LF, HF, UHFcorresponding to different frequencies of the radio frequency. LF represents the low frequency RF, around 125KHz, HF represents high frequency RF, around 13.54MHz, UHF represents the ultra high frequency radio frequency, within the range of 850 to 910MHz.

All readers can support different kinds of label?
Not yet. RF technology companies producing new tag reader support existing in the supply chain. Some readersonly supports the new electronic product code, some only support a particular label some production manufacturers.