2.45G remote barrier free school communication sys
The original school communication project RFID card using the 13.56MHz card, the needs of students “activeparticipation”, often have students to forget the card phenomenon, data accuracy affected. In addition, the school and the school attendance peak, because the staff is too concentrated and queuing phenomenon of low efficiency of credit card, credit card. 2.45G remote application marktrace barrier free school communication system, students in the school or school, without active card, the card hanging in the chest or put through from the gate in the bag,the system can automatically read card, system identification distances of up to 80 meters, can be 200 cards andidentification., BER is one in ten million, fully meet the requirements of high recognition rate. In addition, the system’s security short message service, the students enter the school or out of school card information acquisition, data center through mobile communications service provider automatically give parents send Ping messages. The systemnot only establishes the communication bridge between the school and the parents, but also promote theconstruction of the information campus school.

Marktrace provides students with the card is a dual card (card is packaged in the 2.45G tag and 13.56MHz tag),the card can be used for students to and from school and the entry dormitory attendance, but also can be applied to the student’s book cabinets and card, at present, the card is gradually extended to the school “card”. At present,China xxt maximum integrators Tianbo for agent, the successful application of school communication systemmarktrace in more than one hundred schools nationwide.